Thursday, January 22, 2009

Welcome to Italy

After traveling thousands of miles by car, plane, bus, and train, I arrive only to get stuck in an elevator!

It is night. Snow covers areas of the terrain. I am making my way up from the lower train platform to the ground floor, packed in the box with my laptop, backpack, and two large luggage bags in a tiny all-glass elevator compartment (like the kind you see on the outside of a hotel). My hosts, Iris and Gian-Luca, clearly see me through all the glass and wave. I arrive at the top to meet them but the door doesn’t open. After numerous failed attempts at opening the elevator door, going back down, going further up, rebooting, resetting, and any other button combination possible, I’m finally instructed by my gesturing hosts to hit the SOS button.

An Italian voice echoes inside the tiny chamber while my hosts, still on the outside, are yelling back attempting to communicate our situation to the voice inside.

Soon there are four Italians running around me in the elevator, speaking enthusiastically, waving their arms, trying various keys on the door, hitting the door, digging into the adjacent control box, and then there’s me, inside, laughing at the spectacle.

To be honest, I’m not sure what combination finally did the trick but it was my host Gian-Luca, (not the Trenitalia mechanics) who eventually got the door to open.

“What was wrong?” I asked Gian-Luca later.

His reply: “Trenitaila did not pay elevator utility. Welcome to Italy.”


  1. Haha, you've got to love international travel. You never know what might happen. Glad you kept in good spirits!

  2. Ciao Bella! Might as well start off this amazing trip with "true" Italian flare!
    Enjoy the adventure and you're very missed
    HERE!! : )) Hugs, Kim

  3. Buddy can't wait to hear more of your travels.
    Ruff, ruff

  4. Ciao Bella! I, too, made it to my destination in Italy, but not without some adventure of my own. In my case, it was the train that had issues, and we had to get off and take a bus! Fine if you know Italian...but I was pretty lost!

    I made it though, to rainy Sorrento :-) It is lovely anyway.

    Have a great trip and adventure, Brigit!!!!!

  5. Brigit! Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye. Sounds like you're well on your way to having a wonderful adventure. Can't wait to hear more.

  6. Como estai Brig,
    Seems to me that your trip is going perfectly! Great story and great idea about the blog. And good Writing! Keep cranking so that I can live vicariously through you! If you get going in the direction of Bologna, let me know. I have a close friend I could put you in touch with! Have fun!



  7. Hi Brigit,
    Steve forwarded your Blog- I enjoyed the LIl' story!
    Carlos from 'Café Carlos'

    Look for pix of Steve riding his bike, at BICICORSA.COM
    Ciao, C-

  8. Hi Brigit:

    Oh to be in It-Lee! What a wonderful adventure. Hopefully today will bring you a mouse-poop-less day of sunshine. Have a cup of tea for me....... breathe deep and enjoy!
    Love Ya!


  9. whenever something doesn't work or is broken or is simply nuts, it always works to say "welcome to me. it's true.
