Saturday, January 24, 2009

First Night On The Farm

It smells like a farm.. but in a sweet way. There’s a certain moisture in the air. The neighboring creek is loud due to recent rains. Inside the farm home, baskets of herbs, onions, and oranges greet me at the doorway. Dirty work boots and jackets line the entry. Two cats scurry away.

My room is on the second floor . It’s cold as it’s been unoccupied and the wood burner hasn’t been sparked.

Down at the ground level, Iris, Gian-Luca and I make our acquaintances in a warm “dining room”; we are seated at a wooden table surrounded by canisters of walnuts and dried herbs. I’m drinking tea. Iris is having a late dinner consisting of a bowl of cereal (some things cross all boarders). I’m told I’ve arrived at a festive time. They try to keep the upcoming week quiet for news is likely to attract many eager visitors, both local and from out-of-town. My fortuitous timing?.. The annual slaughter and meat packing of their four wild pigs!


  1. Welcome to Italy Brigie. So happy to read about your adventures and now we get to follow them! How fun! We leave for India next Monday, so follow us too. Molto bene. i baci ed abbraccia e così molto amore, your pods

  2. Hey Brig.

    Glad to see you made it safely to Italy. Say hello to my home boys.

    That's Dan Onorato "Oun..Nor..Rat..toe"

  3. Hi Brigie

    Love your sweet stories... you're not missing
    anything here. Enjoy your time there, it will go so fast
    love you,

  4. Hey B,

    Looks like the farm like suits you just fine.:-) And the pics of the "locals" come across as so genuine, as if one can see in their eyes a life full of rich and full experiences.
