Friday, March 20, 2009

Weed and Treasure

I feel incredibly righteous hunting for dinner. With the crutch, I move aside some dried shrubs (OPO is right.. this IS the Utility Model). I spot my kill: a hearty dandelion plant!

Since Iris and Gian-Luca are working this evening, the wwoofers – three girls now – must fend for themselves. Maria, nursing an upset stomach from the antibiotics, (poor dear finally gave in and what does she get? .. at least she can run) musters plain rice. Sarah, ponders lunch leftovers in the form of spaghetti-bolognese. And Brigit.. dreams of a SALAD!!

Granted, this is not the first time I’ve been on the dandelion quest. I’m embarrassed to admit, at home my pursuit included a bottle of weed-killer. But having seen dandelion sold at the Parma Farmers Market and having witnessed a horse stretch his neck through a fence in an effort to reach dandelion, I figure I’m not above the weed.

Sarah sketches my entre on her traveling notepad: a soft boiled egg, hunks of cheese, leftover potato, chopped cabbage core, carrot with carrot top, and a sprinkling of sesame seed shells, all on a bed of dandelions bathed in olio d’oliva and balsamica.

My Italian is accomplished enough to declare in confidence: Molto Buono!


  1. Yum! What a delicious sounding salad! So glad that your leg is healing and you are feeling more energy. We've been blasting you with healing meditations and golden light. Your blog continues to be a wonderful delight. Thank you for sharing so many beautiful memories with us. You're the BEST! Molto amore, your pods

  2. Your salad looks delicious! I hope your leg is still healing nicely. Hang in there...Things are good here in SB. I did a stage race last weekend, though, and had a busy week at work, and somehow I manage to still be tired a week later! Hmmmmmmmm... Anyway, the irish setters say hi, too. They are jealous--they want the field trip to the Farm in Italy!
