Saturday, April 4, 2009

Text Messages

SMS Received On My Italian Number:

Hi Dear I’m trying write you in english. yesterday I arrive at assisi at 18:30 very tired. fortunately i found a small chip hotel where sleeping. Today a stay here one day more for my foots :-) & I have something to do and j want to speak with FRANCISCO:-)

SMS Sent On My Italian Number:

I am SO proud of u Lucia. I know Francisco is proud of u 2. Congratulations my amici. I knew u could do it. Rest & enjoy ur time in peace. Health 2 u.

SMS Received On My Italian Number:

You are so lovely :-) your words are like a big cheese cake for my mind.

1 comment:

  1. Loved this entry!!! " Your words are like a big cheese cake for my mind." How could you say that any more beautifully??? Wow!
    Love from your pods
